About Me

Hi!  I’m Jackie!  I’m a recipe developer and food/lifestyle blogger.

I can help you make delicious food that will make you feel better!

It all began when I started having trouble sleeping.  I went to multiple doctors to get help, but nobody seemed to be able to help me.  I was diagnosed with Psychophysiological Insomnia and told I needed to take anxiety meds.  I refused to listen to these doctors because I knew there was more to it than that.  As it turned out, I was right.  I found a functional medicine practitioner that was able to “dig deeper” and help me figure out the cause.  I actually have Hashimoto’s Disease.  My immune system is attacking my thyroid and causing a whole slew of symptoms.

This is why I started following the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP).  This is basically a more restrictive version of the Paleo diet.  You eliminate a bunch of foods so that your gut can heal.  This is important because most of your immune system is in your gut.  I am still in the elimination phase of AIP.  Eventually, I will gradually add back in some of the foods I eliminated.

I created this blog to make your life and my life easier!  I have a bad habit of making new recipes, but not writing them down.  Then, I forget what I put in them or how much the next time I want to make it.  So, this will help me keep my recipes organized.  It will also give you access to lots of yummy recipes that are allergen friendly!  You will love them even if you don’t have the need to follow a restrictive diet!  So, it’s a win-win for all of us!

I will also occasionally share with you my lifestyle and health updates.  I find it hard to find helpful info because so many doctors don’t even treat autoimmune diseases.  They just want to medicate and mask the symptoms.  Luckily, I found a practitioner that actually wants to help me heal my body instead of masking.  I also do a lot of my own research.  So, I would like to help others that may not know where to look.

So, please join me in my journey to wellness!  I’d love to have some friends along for the ride!

Live healthy.  Eat well.  Feel better.

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